Thursday, February 14, 2013

Its been a bit,

Sorry I have not written,  Baby Roo has been sick. And well Tuesdays are always out Because of ASL. But I was one busy girl this weekend. I was able to get our 2011 album done. and get a bit more complete on Baby Roo's I am hoping to get at least one or two more done today before baby Roo and I run and drop off a few of her Valentines :). These next few pages might be a bit hard. I wonder if any one else have run into this problem... I need to spin a page to look like it was a better situation then it was. Not to go in to to many details, not to hurt feelings, however I can not leave it out. And I do not want her to look back at her book and miss this person card (family gift tag) nor do I want her to have resentment for it either.  How did you all spin it?

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Fingers Crossed

Well, I did not get to create anything yesterday. However I did get a chance to organize all of my embellishments . I seem to always forget what I have, Stickers, Cricut Items, Papers, etc. I put them in there places and containers and when i go to scrap I go with what first comes to mind and then the old items just keep getting buried. My husband say because I have to much!! LOL maybe so. So I have created a spread sheet of all the items I have. Now I need to make categories so it will be easy to search!! How does everyone else do it? Also maybe this will help when I go shopping, I will know what I am out of and make less trips to my Favorite stores. That is the dangerous part to my husband!! Or maybe just his wallet. But I do have to say he likes to go to the store with me. He always find one or two mus haves that needs to go in our books. He loves the finish products. I am also make little Roo and her Playmates Sock Monkey hats for Vday. Almost done. I love working on them while relaxing on the couch at night with the hubby. post Photos of them soon. Well here's to a full day of  Crafting, hopful snice the hubby is home and it is was to cold and snowy to go out. Well I better sign off before Baby Roo takes out my computer. What a mess they can create in just a few minutes.

Friday, February 8, 2013


So today is a snow day... Which means a full house. Oh Boy. Today might be a bit harder to get thins done. But we will See. Hopefully I will be able to get at least Roo's Vday cards done. We really need to get them out to all of our wonderful Aunts :) Fingers crossed!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Calander Work

Hi all,
I just put baby Roo to bed and I am starting my first entry. I am in the middle of so many projects and so little time. The story of every crafty mothers' life lol!! I have promised my Husband and Mother a current photo and background for every month for their calendar as a Christmas gift. My husband is theme less and My mothers is Hello Kitty (as a kindergarten teacher she now has a great love this adorable character). While still trying to finish our House hold scrapbook for 2011 ( I have created a scrapbook to document our life, husband, our families, ect for each year we  have been together.) Roo's baby book and yet so much more.  Humm I am be a bit behind. But I have decided to take a break from the craziness to hang up some new curtains in our kitchen and to start this wonderful blog!! However today during Roo's nap I was able to get a lot accomplished. I was able to quite a few calender pages done. I am thinking the look pretty darn good! Well I am going to try and do a bit more before this tired Mama hits the bed for the night. Tata for now :)